Detailed explanation of SpaceNations economic model, could the proof of contribution mechanism be the optimal solution?

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This round of SpaceNation testing is coming to an end. After experiencing two cycles of the POC system, I feel that P2E + P4F + POC may be one of the optimal solutions for the current blockchain game economic model.

– What is POC

– Why is POC reasonable? Can it solve the problem of death spiral?

– The logic of various characters in the game

– Values of OIK AG PFP

1. What is POC [Proof of Contribution]

POC stands for Proof of Contribution. Space Nation plans to distribute 50% of $OIK to all game contributors, that is, everyone who participates in the game, over a period of 10 years through Gameplay.

It is a complex, reliable, and fair system for measuring players contributions to the game. In this system, players assets, identities, memorabilia, activity, labor, interaction, combat power, and luck will be taken into account and comprehensive Contribution Points will be calculated. Players will be allocated $OIK in the Gameplay Airdrop Pool every week based on the points.

In the entire Space Nation game ecosystem, the POC mechanism has become the main way to obtain $OIK .

Current calculation rules

OIK Reward = (Individual Season Score / All Players Score) * OIK Distribution

Personal season score = completed active points/target active points*(0.1*completed achievements + 2.25*held achievements)*achievement bonus

There will be active tasks in each cycle, and completing these active tasks can earn personal season scores; there is also an achievement system in the system, and completing achievements can enjoy bonuses from the achievement part in each cycle.

2. Why is POC reasonable? Can it solve the problem of death spiral?

First of all, lets go back to the game itself. As a space MMORPG game, Space Nation allows players to choose different play modes according to their preferences, such as miners, fighters, pirates, explorers, mercenaries, manufacturers, arms dealers, and rulers. In the introductory stage, players need guidance if they want to get in touch with different play modes, and POC plays such a role.

1. Encourage players to explore the gameplay from the simplest to the most advanced

Incentives themselves are the best guides. POC is accompanied by active tasks and achievement systems in each cycle, which can encourage players to complete different types of challenges, get in touch with different ways of playing, and find the most suitable mode and positioning for themselves. Once players find the way they like, it is easy to enter the game state. Any web3 player is a web2 player.

2. Output control of the parent currency $OIK

The most reasonable point of POC is that the output of OIK is completely distributed within the cycle, which means that all outputs are predictable, so it will be easier to control the price. As long as the game revenue + consumption scenarios are used to feed back the price of OIK, the output of POC can become a stable income that everyone wants to pursue.

Imagine? If the price of OIK remains stable, will anyone complete active tasks and achievements? The answer is obvious.

Then completing active tasks and achievements will guide users to produce and consume, which can make the in-game economic system – CHR/materials complete a cycle.

3. Control the in-game economic cycle

The issue of death spiral is inevitable in blockchain games. The essence of death spiral is that the output is greater than the consumption in the long term. Since the output in the game is inevitable, the best way is to create more consumption scenarios.

There are several types of assets in the game: CHR, materials, blueprints, parts

  • Source of CHR: Complete tasks/sell equipment dropped by monsters

  • Source of materials: Complete tasks/ farm/ copy/ mining

  • Source of blueprint: Chance to drop from BOSS

  • Source of parts: Complete tasks/Production benches/Guild wars, etc.

The in-game CHR is a dynamic currency that changes with market demand.

Material consumption: Submit tasks/Refine higher-level materials/Make spaceships/Make parts

This is where a cycle of production and consumption emerges within the game.

For high-end players : If you need to become stronger in the game, then you need to make a higher-level spaceship and equip it with the highest-level equipment. The consumption here must be huge.

In this case, the demand must be greater than the output, and they will become the top players in the game. OIK is actually a flat curve. The top players often have the most OIK in each allocation cycle, but their actual efforts, both total and phased, are often far greater than the return on OIK.

After they get OIK, they have to think: should they exchange it for money to continue to invest in development? Or exchange it for some special OIK Vanity items? Or hold it to increase their governance authority? Of course, this type of user group is relatively small, and its contribution to the entire game is also the greatest.

For mid-level players : they may gradually invest until they find the point where they can maximize their benefits. They will not pursue the top of the leaderboard, nor will they pursue the progress of the game too quickly, but will maximize their benefits, that is, make money. Therefore, they are willing to pay the initial cost investment, and they will most likely get OIK rewards that exceed your costs, and this income is long-lasting and continuous.

➤ For low-end players: They may not be willing to invest a lot of money, but are willing to spend time and money to try with visible benefits. However, because their activity level is low, they cannot complete many achievements, their contribution to the game is relatively low, and they may not be able to allocate a lot of OIK.

Here, we will find that the majority of the gamers may be mid-range and low-end players, who all play the game in pursuit of profit, but as the game content is explored, more investment scenarios will emerge.

Some people may ask why they would invest, because as the game progresses, more content and gameplay will be generated, and the entire game system itself is full of games. You have no way of measuring whether each upgrade and refinement will bring you more benefits.

And the premise for this to work is that Space Nation has the ability to be played for fun, which can be felt by the community and myself. Currently, the content may be less than 20%, but it has already made players willing to spend more than the value of the content to make higher-level ships.

There are also Web2 players who have gone through untold hardships and overcome difficulties to play, many players who bought new computers to play SN, and many Web3 bigwigs who have started an arms race. The global server design has also allowed Chinese players to start fighting against overseas legions.

If there is a game that has no way to capture external value, then any economic model will go into a spiral sooner or later.

Under these premises, why can POC control the in-game economic cycle?

Because the OIK obtained by POC and the game economy are actually two systems that influence each other. Some people will invest in the game to pursue the value of OIK and generate consumption. If consumption occurs in the game, the game economy can easily move towards a positive cycle.

Secondly, the POC system can guide users to complete the consumption of materials or CHR. For example, tasks with consumption scenarios can be added to the active tasks in each cycle, so as to regulate the economic output-consumption ratio of the entire game from a macro perspective.

Therefore, Space Nation is high quality and playable, and has produced what we call paying players during the internal testing period . They are not players who pursue maximum benefits . The project team only needs to do a good job of OIK price control and POC system to balance output and consumption in the game.

The project team is very confident that in the next 10 years, a good Game Circulation will be developed, with Fun driving Earn and Earn supplying Fun.

3. The logic of various roles in the game

Space Nation Online is dedicated to building a virtual space society. In this society, players will choose different ways to play according to their preferences, such as miners, fighters, pirates, explorers, mercenaries, manufacturers, arms dealers and rulers. These roles participate in economic activities and exchange their respective values.

Miner gameplay: Miners are probably the most stable income earner in the game. You only need to own a mining ship (purchased, manufactured, or rented from others), and you can become a miner. You can obtain ore materials by mining, collecting gas, etc. Ore materials are always in demand in this system, so you can sell them at the auction house in exchange for CHR, and then exchange CHR for external income (USDT/ETH/IMX, etc.). Large mining organizations will control the pricing of materials throughout the game in exchange for stable returns, and the official will try to control the emergence of monopolies as much as possible; in the end, it is more likely that the consensus pricing formed by the market will be achieved.

Battleship gameplay: Battles are the main source of play for fun. You only need to hold a battleship to fight, and anyone can get a T 0 level battleship for free, but the real gameplay and cycle is after the player obtains a T 1 ship and joins a guild.

Battle scenes include: completing tasks/field farming/dungeons/PVP. These are battles with the lowest investment costs, and you can exchange them for CHR, materials, and blueprints. There are also some battle scenes that require more resources: guild battles/championships, etc., where you can get the top equipment and honors. Compared with miners, battle ships have more gameplay and scenes, which will test your understanding and strategy of combat skills, the configuration of the (captain + spaceship + crew + equipment) build, the allocation of time and energy, etc.; the benefits of combat gameplay are not only unstable, but also difficult. The benefits of combat gameplay are not only unstable, but also difficult.

Explorer gameplay: Explorers drive their exploration ships, exchange the information they obtain when exploring the known and unknown boundaries of space, draw treasure maps, and sell them to guilds or others in exchange for rewards. This is an activity that tests your luck. It also generates a certain guaranteed return, and the investment is much lower than mining and fighting.

Of course, there will also be producers (who only make equipment or spaceships for sale) and arms dealers (Liquidity Provider and Market Maker in the game) in the game to enrich the games economic system and gameplay. Each character exchanges their own value. Any behavior that can capture external value can be used to exchange for benefits.

The auction house in the game plays an important role in value exchange and gaming. Your buying and selling transactions are also autonomous and full of gaming. The project owner can also generate new consumption scenarios by charging a 5% CHR handling fee.

IV. The Value of OIK AG PFP

Many of the people who participated in the internal test actually did not have an estimate of the value of OIK. In fact, this account is very easy to calculate.

$OIK, as the parent currency of SN, captures the value of the entire SN.

Total: 1 billion

TGE circulation: 5 – 10% (most likely less than 5%, we will calculate it as 5%)

Initial circulation: 50 million

50% will be generated from within the game

If OIK can benchmark against other similar games, such as Bigtime, then its maximum value can reach 5 U; if it is benchmarked against the current market value, it can reach 1.5-2 U.

Pixels: From FDV benchmark – up to 2 U / From market capitalization benchmark – 6 U

Illuvium: From FDV benchmark – 0.7 U / From market capitalization benchmark – 6 U

Mavia: From FDV benchmark – 0.9 U / From market capitalization benchmark – 2 U

matr1x fire: Benchmarking from FDV – 1.2 U

Data time: April 27th market | These are all reference data, and the prices have also been affected by the overall market and have been adjusted. You can anchor the value of OIK based on your evaluation of the game. I think people who have experienced the game should not feel that it is worse or much worse than the above games.

The entire game currently costs more than 30 million US dollars, which is several times the amount of financing for many game projects. Many games even received tens of millions of dollars in financing but still failed to produce the game, and the product was difficult to produce.

SN has already produced a product of absolute top quality in web3 without announcing any financing. Therefore, my conservative estimate for OIK is 1-2 U.

If the subsequent games perform better, I believe it will not be difficult to surpass any game on the web3 market. SN has mentioned many times that MMORPG is the only game category with the strongest liquidity among all game types. Using Web3 technology and tools to add to the product and economic design of MMORPG is to further strengthen the liquidity in the virtual economy and build a huge virtual economy. If this goal is achieved, SNs economic scale will surpass all games, and this upper limit is simply incomparable.

Alpha gate and PFP are still undervalued

Alpha gate quantity 515

freemint – 2 E

PFP quantity 3056

0.3 White 0.4 Public Sale to 0.5 E

During this closed beta, AG and PFP opened a 70-day soft pledge, producing 1% of OIK; the gates income is 54 per day, while PFPs income is 29 per day; priced at 1 U

AG – 70 days profit: 3780 OIK – 3780 U

PFP – 70-day profit: 2030 OIK – 2030 U = 0.65 ETH

Putting aside the revenue from the gate, the OIK revenue from PFP is very likely to exceed its own value. Since most people lack judgment on the value of OIK, they do not realize the undervalued status of PFP.

But these are just additional benefits for Alpha gate and PFP. As equity-based NFTs, AG and PFP not only have ecological priority purchase rights (AGs mining ship is free and those who have won the mining ship have already made money); they also have a significant increase in the POC system.

Achievements: Holding PFP AG will directly increase the number of glorious achievements and achievement points in the system, allowing you to get more OIK than others in each cycle of OIK sharing.

Bonus: Holding AG will directly add a percentage coefficient to your OIK allocation, ranging from 2.5% – 5% based on the rarity of the four gates.

As the game develops, the assets held by users and the achievements they complete will increase, and the value of AG will become higher and higher and more scarce. Any pricing will not be excessive for AG.

Achievements and bonuses will take effect in each distribution, which means you can earn money by doing nothing in the game. You only need to complete simple active tasks to get the maximum benefit of OIK returns. The value of this part is inestimable. You only need to know that 50% of OIK is produced from the game…

V. Conclusion

Of course, SN is still a product under testing and will face many problems. From the beginning of testing to now, the game server has gone from being unstable at the beginning to becoming more and more stable, some bugs are also being fixed quickly, and all the players voices are being heard by the project team. It is almost a situation where a small change is made every day and a major overhaul is made every few days.

As the testing cycle approaches a month, the number of players has not decreased, but has increased. There is no doubt about this, because OIK is getting less and less! And the player group is basically active until the early morning. The team even works non-stop to fix problems in the game, and the community atmosphere is very good.

Of course, the release of the mining ship was delayed due to server issues, and the economic system was not particularly well presented. Fortunately, it has now been successfully released. The blueprints and CHR in the game have been pushed to new high prices due to huge demand, but we also hope that more content will be added to test whether the economic system of the entire game is verified.

However, from my point of view, SN’s current economic model of P2E + Play for fun + POC will be one of the best solutions for the current blockchain game economic model. SN’s flywheel will start after the value of OIK is anchored.

This article is sourced from the internet: Detailed explanation of SpaceNations economic model, could the proof of contribution mechanism be the optimal solution?

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