CyberConnect upgrades its brand to Cyber, and the launch of L2 mainnet helps it move towards a more ambitious social lan

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Author: Wenser

CyberConnect upgrades its brand to Cyber, and the launch of L2 mainnet helps it move towards a more ambitious social lan

On May 15, the Web 3 social network protocol CyberConnect announced the official launch of the social L2 network mainnet , and upgraded its brand to Cyber. In the future, it will cooperate with the re-staking Rollups platform Altlayer in multiple dimensions, and connect more L2 networks with the help of industry modular solutions. Cyber is committed to combining on-chain social protocols with developer-centric products to create a decentralized social network landscape based on the original social graph. In addition, the Web3 native social platform Link 3 has been spun off as an independent brand for development planning. Odaily Planet Daily will lead everyone to learn about the relevant information of the social L2 network Cyber.

Born for social interaction: Cyber L2 mainnet is launched

After the Cancun upgrade, the entry threshold and performance of the L2 network have been further optimized, making the track-type L2 network possible. Based on the previous accumulation of social graphs and the vision of better meeting the needs of social applications, the Cyber L2 main network came into being. Specifically, its main features include the following 3 aspects:

First of all, from the perspective of entry threshold and user experience.

On the one hand, the Cyber L2 mainnet provides users with a smooth Web2 login and usage experience through native account abstraction (AA) and familiar authentication methods such as Passkey and Webauthn, allowing users to access wallet accounts in a variety of ways (such as FaceID). At the same time, Cyber smart accounts support gas sponsorship, further reducing the friction cost of users, making low-cost, high TPS and seamless Web2 user experience possible. On the other hand, Cybers local deployment customization function provides good support for developers to create social applications that are close to the Web2 experience, while being able to give play to the liquidity and financial advantages of the Web3 ecosystem.

Secondly, from the perspective of technical implementation and ecological expansion.

The Cyber L2 mainnet is built on Optimisms open source standard code library OP Stack, and has joined Base, Mode and many OP ecosystems L2 and L3 networks, becoming a part of the Optimism super chain. It will not only attract more users to join Cybers social data network and application ecosystem, and promote the comprehensive development of the on-chain economy and user basic rights, but Cyber will also return part of the revenue generated by its sorter to Optimism Collective to fund public goods and network development, and feed back the subsequent expansion of the OP ecosystem.

Finally, let’s talk about application security and decentralization.

With the support of Altlayers Rollup and other technical support, Cyber L2 mainnet will be one of the first OP Stack chains to deploy Plasma Mode on the mainnet, using the alternative data availability (DA) layer on the Ethereum mainnet to significantly reduce transaction costs while better balancing security and decentralization. Cyber will also migrate to EigenDA at the right time to provide users with higher scalability and reduce the cost of interactive operations. In addition, CyberDB, a decentralized storage solution powered by EigenLayer AVS (Active Verification Service), will also help ecological applications benefit from large-scale social data across ecosystems and further simplify developer workflows. Through various infrastructures built with many partners, Cyber will leverage the advantages of its own protocol network and ecological applications to partially replace the free social products provided by centralized companies that profit from user data.

After the mainnet is officially launched, the Cyber L2 network will accelerate the upgrade and iteration of Web3 social networks from two-dimensional social graphs to three-dimensional social graphs.

CyberConnect upgrades its brand to Cyber, and the launch of L2 mainnet helps it move towards a more ambitious social lan

Cyber official promotional information

Looking back: A quick look at the history of Cyber projects

Looking back at the past of Cyber, an iconic project in the social field, from the social graph protocol, to the launch of the social platform Link 3, and then to the successful listing of tokens as a Binance Launchpool project, the launch of the social L2 network mainnet today is more like a milestone in preparation for the next new stage.

On November 17, 2021, CyberConnect completed a US$10 million seed round of financing through equity and SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens). Multicoin Capital and Sky 9 Capital jointly led the investment, and Animoca Brands, DraperDragon, Hashed, Zoo Capital, Smrti Lab and Mask Network participated.

On May 17, 2022,the Web3 decentralized social graph protocol CyberConnect announced the completion of a US$15 million Series A financing round . This round of financing was jointly led by Animoca Brands and Sky 9 Capital, and participated by IOSG Ventures, Delphi Digital, Protocol Labs, Tribe Capital, GGV Capital, Spartan Group, Amber Group, Polygon Studios and SevenX Ventures.

On May 19, 2023, the Web3 social graph protocol CyberConnect raised $5.4 million through a public offering on CoinList. 532,000 users from 112 countries and regions participated in the public offering. In the end, 11,540 participants purchased 3 million CYBERs available for sale at a price of $1.8 per coin.

On July 15, 2023, CyberConnect announced the release of version v3 , and plans to complete the deployment of 6 EVM-compatible networks in the next 2 months. The core of v3 is to build CyberConnect into a full-chain social protocol. Its core components include: CyberAccount, an identity infrastructure compatible with ERC-4337, Cyber Graph, a censorship-resistant database that records user content and social relationships, and CyberNetwork, a multi-chain solution.

On August 4, 2023, CyberConnect published an article introducing the first season of community rewards and opened an airdrop query webpage. Users can check the airdrop qualifications and quantities through the official website.

On August 14, 2023, according to the official announcement of Binance , CyberConnect (CYBER) will be launched at 20:00 (Eastern Time) on August 15, 2023, and CYBER/BNB, CYBER/BTC, CYBER/FDUSD, CYBER/TRY, and CYBER/USDT trading pairs will be opened.

On August 15, 2023, the CYBER airdrop was officially opened for claiming at 20:00 Beijing time for a period of 30 days. That night, the opening price of the CYBER token on Binance was $1.44, and it once soared to $17.79.

CyberConnect upgrades its brand to Cyber, and the launch of L2 mainnet helps it move towards a more ambitious social lan

Binance interface

On October 15, 2023, Binance Labs Fund announced that it had made a follow-up investment in the decentralized social network CyberConnect.

On March 8, 2024, CyberConnect announced that it would cooperate with AltLayer to launch Cyber, a modular Ethereum L2 network that supports re-mortgage, with the support of EigenLayer and Optimism, and will serve as a social layer for Web3 applications. It is reported that CYBER staking has been launched and the Cyber Sepolia testnet will be launched next week.

On March 17, 2024, CyberConnect officially announced that the staking plan was officially launched, and users can stake CYBER to maintain Layer 2 network security and participate in governance. Currently, the CYBER Season 2 rewards are open, and you can participate in the staking activity rewards, with a total prize pool of 1 million CYBER. On March 18, according to official news , the number of CYBER staked exceeded 1 million within two days of the official launch. According to official data , more than 3.9 million CYBER have been staked so far, with a total of more than 38,000 independent addresses staking.

On March 25, 2024, the decentralized social networking protocol CyberConnect announced the launch of a $2 million ecosystem funding program to enhance community-led innovation and accelerate the adoption of on-chain social and Web3. The program will be provided in the native token CYBER.

On April 10, 2024, CyberConnect announced the launch of Cyber Restaking, a new feature supported by EigenLayer and the Liquidity Restaking Protocol . Users can deposit Liquidity Restaking Token (LRT) assets to obtain returns including ETH staking income, ETH restaking income, EigenLayer points, LRT points and Cyber Restaking points.

On May 4, 2024, CyberConnect announced the list of winning projects for the Ecosystem Grants Pilot Round. A total of 6 projects received CYBER token rewards worth a total of US$170,000.

On May 15, 2024, CyberConnect announced its rebranding to the social L2 project Cyber and launched the mainnet .

Based on the ecological construction and technology accumulation that lasted for about 3 years, combined with the current rapid development of the L2 network, it can be said that Cybers move is by no means a blind follow-up, but a necessary choice made after careful consideration of the development direction of subsequent projects.

When technical conditions, ecological conditions, and external conditions are mature, the Cyber Mainnet will greatly expand its composability with other network ecosystems and the on-chain economic connection system.

In the Name of Cyber: Reshaping the Social Landscape of Cyberspace

As of the time of writing, according to Dune data , the number of tokens staked on the Cyber L2 network has reached nearly 4 million CYBER, of which the OP network has the largest number of stakes, reaching 2.64 million CYBER.

CyberConnect upgrades its brand to Cyber, and the launch of L2 mainnet helps it move towards a more ambitious social lan

Dune Data Panel

As we enter 2024, the Web3 social track has gradually transitioned from the previous protocol competition to the ecological application competition. Therefore, for leading social protocols such as Cyber, the goal has also changed from focusing on Cyber Connection in the past to Network Building in cyberspace.

This is naturally inseparable from the basic support of the Cyber L2 main network and the emergence of more application products. Specifically, Cybers preparation and planning include the following two parts:

First, Cybers flagship product, the Link 3 brand, was spun off and operated independently.

As the Web3 version of Linktree+LinkedIn, Link 3 has always been a representative product and social platform of the Cyber ecosystem. However, it was previously within the CyberConnect protocol, so its market positioning was relatively vague, and it was more like a model product built for exhibition protocols. Subsequent brand separation and independent operation are expected to change this situation, making Link 3 a purer social platform with a more focused product positioning and clearer product function iterations.

Second, $2 million in incentive funds will help improve the developer ecosystem.

After the Cyber L2 mainnet is launched, combined with the established $2 million ecosystem funding plan, the social ecology of the Cyber network will attract the attention of many developers. Previously, award-winning projects including the game insights platform Bitmon, the comprehensive social network that promotes human-computer interaction and co-creation CharacterX, the NFT market and aggregator Element, the ERC-4337-based UserOp browser JiffyScan, the ERC-4337-based wallet management tool UseSnaaps, and the AI-driven social media platform XO are a good start.

It can be said that the L2 network ecosystem that Cyber is going to build is not a one-flower-in-one official project, but a hundred flowers blooming project that encourages more social application developers to participate.

User-centric: Pay attention to every social node

It is worth mentioning that the launch of the Cyber L2 mainnet is only the starting point for the development of the new ecology. The enrichment and improvement of decentralized social networks cannot be separated from the addition of many social nodes centered on individual users.

Compared with traditional Web2 social networks, the existence, development and value growth of decentralized Web3 social networks are more dependent on the support of every seemingly tiny node.

From the perspective of group roles, Web3 social nodes mainly have the following characteristics:

  • The first is the data attribute. It is precisely because of the existence of so many users that a social network has a steady stream of various data, which supports data analysis in different dimensions and can explore the value behind the data through data clustering.

  • The second is identity attributes. Social nodes often have a certain aggregation effect, and identity attributes are one of the original driving forces supporting the gradual expansion, fission and even expansion of social networks. Different identities will bring different content and liquidity to social networks.

  • The third is asset attributes. Web3 social networks are usually inseparable from the interactive system supported by many networks and native token assets, which is a key difference between Web3 people and traditional social people. Asset attributes lay the foundation for the construction of networks with high interactive value.

The numerous users in decentralized social networks not only play the role of social nodes, but are also the top priority in maintaining the stable and secure operation of the network. Their value is far more important than the seemingly simple data set.

According to official news, Cyber will launch the Social Summer event in June to encourage social users to participate in L2 ecological interactions and application experiences. Through this, users can obtain certain economic returns through ecological value feedback, and can also add a layer of insurance composed of micro-individuals to the decentralized network that verifies and empowers each other.

Future Outlook: Social L2 Network Cyber will become the “node switch” of L2 network

According to data from the L2Beat website , the total TVL of major L2 networks has reached US$39.2 billion. Unfortunately, except for the liquidity exchange at the asset level, many L2 networks are still in an island state. Users of different network ecosystems have extremely limited interactions in terms of social relationships, social data, social value, etc. This situation has, to some extent, become a shackle that restricts the major L2 networks from further value exchange and network interconnection.

The launch of the Cyber L2 mainnet may change this rigid situation.

CyberConnect upgrades its brand to Cyber, and the launch of L2 mainnet helps it move towards a more ambitious social lan

L2 Beat Website Information

From social relationships at the application level, to social data at the ecosystem level, and then to social resources at the blockchain network level, the Cyber L2 mainnet is striving to achieve a transformation from the previous two-dimensional social graph to the construction of a new three-dimensional social landscape. By spanning the underlying protocols of multiple blockchain network ecosystems and increasingly rich social application products, the ideal of an on-chain community and society of co-construction, co-sharing, co-creation and co-governance may slowly transform from conception to reality.

The Cyber L2 mainnet is expected to make its own contribution to the Ethereum network ecology, re-staking track and network sovereignty space, starting from the social field, as the node exchanger of the L2 network.

Let us continue to pay attention and look forward to that day together.

This article is sourced from the internet: CyberConnect upgrades its brand to Cyber, and the launch of L2 mainnet helps it move towards a more ambitious social landscape

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