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GT breaks through 13.329USDT to hit a record high, holders enjoy exclusive airdrops and mining benefits

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GT breaks through 13.329USDT to hit a record high, holders enjoy exclusive airdrops and mining benefits

Recently, the क्रिप्टोcurrency market has continued its strong growth, driving the overall market value to continue to rise. Among them, GTs performance is eye-catching, starting a significant upward trend. Yesterday, the price of GT hit a high of 13.329 USDT, showing the strong momentum of GT in the market, and the price also hit a record high.

जीटी has diversified ecology and wide application scenarios

GT is the native mainnet asset of GateChain, a cryptocurrency that supports the entire GateChain ecosystem. With its unique reversible transaction mechanism, rich ecological support, and flexible and diverse incentive mechanisms, it drives growing demand. As the Utility टोकन and Gas Fee payment token on GateChain, GT supports the underlying transfer system of GateChain. At the same time, GT is widely used in scenarios including currency trading, OTC over-the-counter trading, leveraged trading, futures contracts, and various derivative products such as leveraged financial management, legal currency lending, and financial management business.

जीटी holders enjoy multiple benefits to drive community growth

Compared with other similar currencies, GT pays more attention to user experience and community co-building. Through Startup investment and other methods, GT provides holders with the opportunity to participate in low-threshold investment projects. In addition, GT gives users stronger decision-making power, encourages users to actively participate in platform governance, and jointly promote platform development. According to the opening price in January this year, the price increase of GT is better than most similar currencies, with an increase of 160.87%.

Hold GT and enjoy a series of exclusive benefits

Startup : Provides exclusive airdrops for new coins. The more GT tokens you hold, the more exclusive free airdrops you can receive.

New coin mining : Establish a dedicated new coin mining pool to support multiple mining of one coin.

GT Mining : A convenient and secure staking solution designed specifically for GT holders, allowing GT holders to easily obtain income. The average yield after launch is 8.1%, and the current annualized yield is about 7.15%. A total of 147,076.26 GT has been distributed since launch, worth about US$1,398,719.68.

Upgrading to VIP level: You can enjoy more Startup subscription shares, as well as spot and contract rate discounts.

In addition to the above benefits, GT holders also have the right to participate in more welfare activities and application scenarios.

GT breaks through 13.329USDT to hit a record high, holders enjoy exclusive airdrops and mining benefits

Continuous destruction and steady increase in value

In addition to the rich usage scenarios, continuous destruction is also continuously supporting the increase in GTs intrinsic value. Since 2019, GT has reduced the total amount from the initial 300 million by about 58.06% through destruction. Over the past three years, GT has been destroyed regularly every quarter, with a cumulative destruction of 31,338,915.10 pieces, worth approximately US$189,839,265.347, achieving the initial goal of reducing the actual circulation to less than 100 million pieces, and plans to continue to implement the destruction strategy in the future. (Details: Announcement on the on-chain destruction of Gate Token (GT) in the third quarter of 2024 )

GT breaks through 13.329USDT to hit a record high, holders enjoy exclusive airdrops and mining benefits

GTs record high not only demonstrates its strong market performance, but also demonstrates the potential for continued innovation and value enhancement of the Gate.io ecosystem. With the continuous expansion of the GT ecosystem and the implementation of the destruction mechanism, GT will continue to lead the industry development in the future and create more opportunities for holders.


This content does not constitute any offer, solicitation, or recommendation. You should always seek independent professional advice before making any investment decision. Please note that Gate.io may restrict or prohibit all or part of its services from restricted regions. Please read the User Agreement for more information at https://www.gate.io/user-agreement .

This article is sourced from the internet: GT breaks through 13.329USDT to hit a record high, holders enjoy exclusive airdrops and mining benefits

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